Last November 3, DENR hosted the final presentation of the Implementing Rules and Regulation and National Framework of the Extended Producer Responsibility Law Republic Act 11898) at Seda Hotel Vertis North.
DENR is scheduled to submit the IRR on November 11, 2022, 90 days after the effectivity of the law. Atty. Zoilo Andin Jr., UNDP Technical Expert, presented the draft IRR and urged everyone not to give up and continue to work on improving the Law. "There is room to improve but we need to start to get it going because this is the mandate of the law," explains Atty. Andin just before the breaking for lunch during the whole day discussion of the IRR for the EPR Act 2022.
Industry leaders, NGOs, Academe, and other sectors were given the opportunity to bring up their concerns on the draft IRR. Everyone was encouraged to submit their comments prior to the final submission.